Sneak Peeks

WIPs. Clips. Thoughts.

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NEW: Plein Air Study

Lynchburg Farm Plein Air 1


I'm hoping to do a series of barns from around our new home—if not finished studio paintings, at least plein airs! I've seen a half-dozen or so, of various colors, while driving around the country. The area of Lynchburg we live in is very much on the outskirts of town, so we have beautiful rural, pastural views on our commute. This particular scene depicts one of my favorite little farms just 1/2 mile or so from our home. I happened to meet the farmer while working on this little study, and he told me "I thought you were doin' some surveying, and that was your computer setup!" I think that was a fair first assumption—after all, artists painting en plein air are just a bit more rare than surveyors with their yellow tripods!

Plein Air Study

Lake Sailboat Plein Air 1


Large freshwater lakes are essentially a novelty to me, since I've lived nearly my whole life on the Gulf Coast. Any large bodies of water were salty, and contained the usual flora and fauna associated with beachy areas. So my first painting trip out to Smith Mountain Lake, just southwest of Lynchburg, simultaneously carried a sense of familiarity and foreignness. There were the usual sailboats, motorboats, and rippling waves...but conspicuously absent were seagulls, sugar-white sand, and salt in the air. As I painted this scene, a boat-owner from the marina hopped in for a quick swim (the weather and temperature were perfect). And he didn't have to think about jellyfish, sharks, stingrays, sea-lice, before taking the plunge. I have to admit...that really is a major freshwater perk!

W.I.P. IT! (Work in Progress)

Jersey Shipyard Locomotive


Jersey Shipyard Locomotive

Currently on the easel, this is just a snippet of a 12x24 painting that I started as a demo for "CFAW" (College for a Weekend): an event that Liberty University hosts twice per semester to attract new students. I'm wanting to capture the aura of that hazy, late-dusk setting, and also indicate the motion of this slowly-rolling train. In order to do this, I'll be especially focusing on edges—those areas where two object, values, or colors overlap or come together.

WIP IT! A New Series
for Collectors


"WIP" Stands for "Work in Progress"—which means you get a special preview of upcoming artwork!

Greetings my friends! Thank you for checking out my new Collector's Corner area, and specifically the new WIP IT series! This is the first installment of many to come. I've been toying for a while with the idea of giving collectors a behind-the-scenes view of my daily life as an artist. In this edition, I give you a sneak peek of my painting Coquina Shoreline. This piece was begun en plein air on St. Augustine's beaches, during the Oil Painters of America National Exhibition!

Ship It on the Frisco! Time Lapse


This fun little project will hit the internet-at-large pretty soon, but I wanted my Collectors to have the opportunity to have the first peek!

A "time-lapse" is a series of still images strung together to show time passing in a movie-like format. I've enjoyed watching time-lapses ever since I was a little boy. I first that grabbed my imagination were those which showed stars charting their fiery course through the night sky. Having grown older, and due to my particular calling in life, I now enjoy time-lapses showing a painting's progression. I've desired to do one of these for awhile now, and finally sat down over the course of a week to study filmmaking and video editing. This offering is my first attempt, and I must confess, I'm just tickled pink with it. 😀 I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday Morning Portrait Study Group


Portrait Study of Mary

Hello again collectors! I painted this study in the portrait group I try to attend bi-weekly or so. I think it turned out well enough to post on social media later today, but you get the behind-the-scenes commentary directly from the horse's mouth. 😀 (What a strange idiom that is, by the by! If anyone knows how that saying came about, do let me know: the topic of idiomatic expressions is fresh on my mind. One of my New Year's resolutions is to brush up on my Spanish, and I was studying Spanish idioms just today!)

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