Lake Sailboat Plein Air 1 | 6×8 | Oil on Panel

Inspiration for Lake Sailboat Plein Air 1

Thank goodness our new Virginia home is located only 45 minutes away from Smith Mountain Lake, where many sailboats can be found! Because of our rather landlocked and rural locale, I’ll be painting primarily fields and farms now (hooray for barns)! However, I would certainly experience withdrawals if there were simply no boats about whatsoever! After a few trips to the lake, which boasts 500 miles of shoreline altogether, I’ve discovered a couple promising marinas. They might or not be private and have signs that say “members only”…but I have great hope in humanity’s desire to support the arts! Besides…sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission, am I right? Click the link to learn more about Smith Mountain Lake from Wikipedia.

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