Shrimping Trifecta | 12×12 | Oil on Linen Panel
Inspiration for Shrimping Trifecta
As always, Pensacola’s last shrimp boat marina provided the source material for Shrimping Trifecta. These ships have all starred individual roles in my work, but this time, they share the stage! A moody, overcast day sets the scene, creating a beautiful color harmony. The weather-beaten character of the shrimp boats also lends itself to the general feeling of damp heaviness. The humid wetness of the Florida Gulf Coast can be seen in the rust lines and peeling paint. I’ve said it before, but it is this very state of dilapidation that draws me to paint shrimp boats time and again. The colors and textures of metal, fiberglass, wood, rope, and more hold an almost infinite appeal for exploration with brush and paint.
Pensacola, FL